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Oxford & Cambridge Club Geneva

Autumn 2023 Newsletter

18 Sep 2023 11:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Autumn Newsletter

With summer (almost) behind us, we turn to events for the remainder of the year.  The new club management system is proving to be invaluable in managing the large number of events we now have scheduled over the course of the year

The new system is much more dynamic in updating the schedule of events, so I recommend that you occasionally browser to keep yourself informed of changes.  This is of course in addition to the regular email reminders.

If you have a moment, be sure to sign-in and complete your profile in the new Club system and update your details including positively agreeing to the Club’s GDPR policy which can be found here.  This system makes it so much easier to register, pay and cancel for events and makes life enormously simpler for event organisers.

Friday 1st September 2023 saw something of a milestone with over 60 members and their guests attending the End of Summer beach party at the UN beach, Geneva.  This is certainly the largest turnout for a Club event that we have had for some time and reinforces the popularity of causal drinks events.

With the change in weather, casual drinks will now move indoors with a social drinks scheduled for Thursday 9th November and the regular Tea4Two 1st October and 3rd December.  The October event will be cocoa based in honour of World Cocoa day.

A speaker dinner, the annual Chase dinner and the popular Christmas meal are all also in the works, with details circulated as soon as finalised.


Committee members

Interview practise for local Oxbridge applicants


Recommendations for Speakers

Our busy schedule of events is currently organised by just a handful of hardworking members, so more help would be much appreciated.

Angus Mcdonald has kindly agreed to hold an Oxbridge ‘interview’ course by Zoom on 6th November, designed to enable Members help aspiring local student with their entrance interview technique

A number of younger members have asked whether they could engage a mentor from among our community.  Please contact me if you believe you can help.  A typical mentor programme lasts 6 months with a monthly conversation in person/zoom and is enormously beneficial for both parties.

As we enter the flu and possibly a Covid season, please be aware of those around you and do not attend events if you feel unwell.  This advice will be updated as events unfold

As ever ideas and suggestions are most welcome, especially offers of local speakers.

Oxford & Cambridge Club Geneva

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