Dear Member,
A big thank you to those of you who attended the April AGM & Boat Race event at the Société Nautique de Genève. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening in an iconic location with an amazing sunset. Thank you, Ian Gordon, for all the organizing as well as the professional boat race commentary.
Since the AGM, we have had the opportunity to analyze the replies to the Sentiment Survey which was launched in March/April.
Members are of the opinion that the Club does a good job of meeting their expectations, scoring 53 on the NPS (Net Promoter Score) question, which is a very strong result. Given the Club’s wide age range, the main survey finding is that we need to continue to recognize the divergent interests of the different member groups. As the rising cost of formal meals is a concern, we will endeavor to host more casual and cheaper events, while at the same time recognizing that members would like more speaker events/dinners. We will attempt to address both wishes by sourcing cheaper (but probably out of Geneva) locations.
The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an excellent indicator of the health of the Club. Henceforth, we will survey it annually with you, the Members.
Members will have noted a recent uptick in the number of events as the summer approaches, and there will be more. So do keep an eye on the website calendar.
Those of you who are LinkedIn users will, thanks to Matthew Kilgarriff & Tom Waterhouse, shortly see a lot of Club activity as we launch a marketing campaign to attract those many Geneva area alumni who are not yet aware of our existence/activities. The campaign is already bearing fruit with a steady trickle of new members joining.
Finally, a reminder of the 75th birthday event on Thursday, 19th September to be held at the British Residence, Cologny. A rather special location by any measure. As we will need to better gauge the number of attendees, we will be sending out a poll to assess the level of interest prior to formally releasing tickets.
Meanwhile, I look forward to meeting Members at one of the many upcoming events. Do make an effort to attend.
My best wishes for an enjoyable summer.
Donald Birch